Monday, January 23, 2012

Along time ago on a blog far, far away...

Welcome to my all new and amazing way to put in even more Internet time! Well it's all new and amazing to me, anyway. Actually, this blog is being set up as part of a college art course I'm taking. While it should primarily be something dedicated to art (my art), this is the Internet. That means anything goes. Feel free to post questions and comments about my work, your work, politics, science fiction, literature, music-- ANYTHING AT ALL.

And with that, I bid you all happy blogging! Or is that what I'm supposed to be doing? You guys comment, I blog right? Sigh...


  1. I hope you fair better with yours than I have with mine. My biggest problem is remembering I have it!! :D

  2. So far I'm not doing all that great with keeping up with it. Laaaaaaazzzzyyyy...
